Batari ultimately intends to put all of Oros to the flame if it will not cow to her, and tries to start by destroying the Wenja village. Personally castrating a prisoner and laughing as he bleeds out before her, Batari also burned her own son, Krati, alive for crossing her years ago, and propagates the legend of "Krati the Destroyer" returning from the grave to destroy the Izila as a threat to keep her terrified people in line under her. Batari uses her tribe to kidnap, enslave, and torture countless people from the clans of Wenja and Udam, working them to exhaustion then burning them all alive in sacrificial slayings.

Broken Base: Some praise the pre-historic setting for this giving a very different setting to all of the previous Far Cry games.Awesome Music: "The Wolf", an ominous, tribal song by Fever Ray originally written for the Red Riding Hood movie, is put to excellent (and hair-raising) use here.

This tends to downplay that the Udam display just as much homicidal contempt for every other human tribe as the Izila, Ull's stated intent to genocide the Wenja, and that their reaction to meeting other humans is invariably violence. Their ongoing cannibalism is seen as merely desperate attempts to cure the plague by consuming the healthy. Alternative Character Interpretation: Many are sympathetic to the plight of the Udam and their leader Ull, given that they are dying of "skull-fire" caused by their cannibalism.